Tuesday 10 May 2016

Prove them wrong!

    One of the deepest joys in life is to be creative; to put yourself into something innovative and worthwhile, and then to see it come to fruition. But the process of creating can be a roller coaster of highs and lows-ectasies and despairs- before you experience the rewards.
Principles that enable the art of creating include
• Vision
• Innovation
• Quality

    All things are created twice. All things. Vision is the first creation. For a house its called the blueprint. For a life its called a mission. For a day its called a goal and a plan. For a parent its called a belief in the unseen potential of a child. For all, it is the mental creation which always precedes the physical, or second, creation.
    Vision not only helps us spot present opportunities where others might not see them, but it also points us toward the future and inspires us to ask, "where do I want to  be five years from now? Ten years from now?" To answer these questions takes time-it even takes some dreaming. Vision takes a purpose and starts to turn it into specifics. So always believe in yourself and set realistic, yet challenging expectations for yourself-even if it takes a bit of "wishing upon a star."

    The act of innovating can generate many emotions. It can bring agony, sweat, tears, and exhaustion. But, yes, it can also bring great thrills, satisfaction, and joy. But innovation does not come without a price.
It is not uncommon to come across a great little invention and think, I wish I had thought of that. But bringing even simple ideas to full fruition involves a process, one that is not always as easy as it may appear.
    Certain people seem to have a knack for being creative. But if you observe them for any length of time, it becomes quickly evident that their innovative powers do not appear by magic or luck. Indeed, it is no coincidence that innovative people also tend to be constant learners with broad interests.

    Who does not like the feel of quality? whether it comes in the form of a well-made car, a fine woven piece of clothing, a stable building, a delectable meal, an intricate technological device, a precise musical performance, finely tuned work team, or a solid piece of furniture,  quality has an appealing feel.
    Over the past few decades, the word quality has predominantly been relegated to a business term. And businesses do need to pay attention to quality as a matter of survival. But quality is a way of living, it affects how you speak, dress, work, entertain, and eat. it impacts how you walk, teach, listen, exercise, learn, and play. it is one of those principles that weaves itself throughout the entire tapestry of life, both directly and indirectly touching everything you are and everything you do. And, no quality does not require a lot of expense, but does require a careful attention to detail.

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