Tuesday 26 April 2016

What makes a Great CEO.

Finding the Right market for your product and services
Figuring out the right market fit for your product maybe really, really hard. It may take a couple of years for your product offering, audience, marketing messaging, and sales process to align in a way that felt right and delivered results.

Once you found the right market, however, hold nothing back. All of your teams will rally around one battle cry and pressed on toward one goal. When your mission is clear, there’s no point in proceeding with caution. You’ll learn more, achieve greater things, and grow quickly when you charge ahead fearlessly.

Never rest on your laurels
When you’ve gotten your first taste of success, it’s all too easy to slip into an attitude of complacency. Great leaders always push their teams to pursue change—even when things are going well. If you don’t experiment, keep pushing your organization to try new things, or find different ways to achieve your business’s mission, you’ll never realize your full potential.

If your organization tends to default to routine, here are a few things you can do to stir up change:

Ask hard questions of your executives, your team members, and yourself.
Ask for outside opinions on an idea to gain a different perspective.
Push people to think and act outside of their comfort zones.
Make a change to your seating arrangement or office layout to mix things up.

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